Hazel Foundation

Where we make good things happen

current projects

Supporting the Women of Nepal Through Inner Ocean  with Hazel doctor, Melissa Catanzarite

This story began back in 2018 when Inner Ocean first introduced wilderness first aid and CPR training to Mothers in the Himalayan Villages of Sindupalchok – one of the hardest hit regions of Nepal’s 2015 earthquake.

After becoming CPR certified, each Mother was given a certificate of completion and access to her own first aid kit, with each village also being given access to its own clinic stocked with medical supplies. For a community that’s a 5-day walk from the nearest hospital, this education (and the empowerment that has come with it) has been groundbreaking.

This October, Hazel doctor, Dr. Melissa Catanzarite will be joining Inner Ocean on a volunteer opportunity in the Kathmandu Valley.  This mission will see Dr. Melissa working closely with victims of sex trafficking in a girls’ rehabilitation center to provide them with the care, respect, and treatment they’ve always deserved.

In support of the work Inner Ocean and Dr. Melissa are doing to support the under-served women of this community, Hazel has donated $1,500 towards their mission. Because every woman deserves access to education, support, and healthcare. No matter where in the world she is.

If you’d like to support Inner Ocean with a monetary donation, you can do so here.

Compassionate Access Program

1 in 7 females in Australia are living under the poverty line. And studies show that lower income females consistently experience poorer health and poor health is known to reduce income - it’s a vicious cycle.

When it comes to accessing care for female pain and gynaecological conditions, high costs, lack of government subsidy and general misunderstanding of female health conditions can disadvantage this patient group even further. So, as part of our mission to close the Gender Pain Gap, we created the Hazel Compassionate Access Program.

We’ve committed 1% of our profits to our Compassionate Access Program which helps people assigned female at birth who cannot afford basic healthcare services and treatments. 

By choosing Hazel, you’re joining a community of patients and care providers who are committed to closing the Gender Pain Gap. You're also directly contributing to the access of healthcare services and treatments for people who need it most.

for healthcare professionals

Keen to donate your time to offer compassionate consultations?

When you join Hazel as a practitioner you’ll have the option to conduct compassionate consultations for eligible patients alongside your standard consultations.

To learn more about how you can contribute, please get in touch by emailing hello@hazelhealth.com.au